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Assistant Professor
Area of Study/Expertise
Rregulatory pathways that underlie stress response in bacteria and how these pathways contribute to the emergence of antimicrobial resistance.

Srujana Samitha Yadavalli, PhD – Department of Genetics, Rutgers University, Waksman Institute of Microbiology

Associate Members

How do bacteria sense changes in their environment? How do they regulate their gene expression and adapt to different stresses such as exposure to antimicrobial agents? The Yadavalli lab is interested in understanding the regulatory pathways that underlie stress response in bacteria and how these pathways contribute to the emergence of antimicrobial resistance. In addition, my lab will explore the biochemical functions of the growing number of understudied small proteins – a challenging yet exciting new area in bacterial gene regulation networks. We use a variety of tools including high throughput sequencing, single-cell fluorescence microscopy and proteomics as well as classical genetics and microbiology to answer fundamental questions in bacterial stress response.


Yadavalli Lab